
The future of

After careful thought about the future of this website, I came to one simple conclusion. It has to continue! If you look through the previous articles on you’ll see a certain standard has always been maintained. This standard is absolutely crucial going forward, but many things need to change. You will already have seen a major visual overhaul of the website. The focus will be shifting towards the broader reach of technology while keeping it accessible. After all there’s no need to get lost in technical detail when there are many other issues surrounding products and platforms that deserve greater attention.

This will be the philosophy for the future. There will still be reviews, analysis and news but with a renewed focus that hopefully will become apparent in the next few weeks. I really hope you like the changes and will start to visit this site regularly again. There are a lot of great features to come.

First up will be a look at the brand new Apple Macbook 12 inch and whether that sole USB-C port is a stroke of genius or a taking minimisation too far.


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